Sunday, May 10, 2015

Dragonfly makeovers

This is one of my hose guards.  It's supposed to keep the garden hose out of the beds and away from the plants.  However, it doesn't seem to deter some people from cutting across the internal corner of the sidewalk and manages to trip them up.  You'd think people would learn once they've tripped over it a few times.  Not so.  

Hence, a bit of gesso and Ranger archival inks to the rescue!  And now they should be able to spot these beauties and NOT go where they shouldn't be!

I put a light coat of gesso on them; let dry.  With a sponge I dabbed on French Ultramarine, Aquamarine, Leaf Green, Viridian and Watering Can archival inks.  Even if they don't keep people out, at least they're more colorful!

1 comment:

  1. oh Susan I love the patina look on the dragonfly. just the way a dragonfly should look!
