Black Friday my computer crashed because of a Microsoft update. I lost 95% of everything on my hard drive. I hadn't backed it up in a very, very long time.
If you think it won't happen to you, learn from my mistake. It can. Fortunately I kept my genealogy files and art files on a removable hard drive. The computer was 3 years old and came with Windows 8 but I had upgraded to Windows 10 when it first came out. The crash corrupted so much data that neither could be resurrected so Windows 7 had to be purchased and installed. I find I'm much happier with it once again.
Additional software that I used all the time (camera, GPS, etc.) all were lost and took forever to re-install. I totally lost my photo editing software (Microsoft Photo Gallery) as it's no longer available or supported. If you have any suggestions to simple and photo editing software I'd love to have them.
And then life got rather, the holidays, weather, caring for ailing friends and family, attending funerals and memorial services - you know, that general rollercoaster ride that we are all on at some time in our lives. Seems like mine just goes on and on, never allowing me much time to get off it for a brief respite.
I found it difficult to even find time to make greeting cards, let alone photograph them and document all the products I used. However, this seems to be changing so I hope that very soon I'll have new cards posted here.
On a positive note, I was offered a chance to go to Creativation 2018 in Phoenix in January. Wow, what an amazing trip! I met old friends, made new ones, saw lots of new products, ate scrumptious food and didn't have to brave well below 0 temperatures for a few days. Took classes from the masters and learned a lot. And brought home lots of classroom goodies as well as freebies from the convention booths.
Back soon!