As we count down the last hours to the new year, I want to thank each and everyone of you for crossing my path. In some way you've touched me as a person or artist. I've grown because of your touch. My wish for you in the new year is that you'll find the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual strengths you'll need when the occasion arises. I hope you'll enjoy the countless blessings bestowed upon you.
I was inspired by a Christmas card made by a fellow Technique Junkie (Vada Schutz). She is a Turbo Team designer for the Technique Junkies Newsletter which means she's a dynamite artist. The original can be seen on her blog (http://vada-stampsinkandpaper.blogspot.com). I CASEd her card using materials I had on hand. This is my 'Thank you' card for all of you. Without you I would not be where I am today.
May you have a safe and wonderful Happy New Year!